Attack of the MOBAs

Last week my pc broke down, it was a sad event. My dad was around during that time he helped me with getting a new one even though i had the money for it he said he'll take care of it. Yeah my dad is awesome :P , anyway recently i havent been able to play GE bec. im playing too much LoL and HoN.

League of Legends:

I've been using sona and shaco recently, they're my 2 most played champs really. I play shaco with a killar sense of ganking. Since shaco dosent really excel late game (during team fights anyway). Its best you gank like a madman and get gold faster than your enemies can farm. Either they concede early or you're up for an awesome late game.

As for sona i use her when im with my friend Pongski. We always get our first blood, even if our enemy has flash! Why? 80dmg at level 1 and 16armor penetration sona. Rapes your starting armor and deals a shitton of dmg. I collect power chord (2 chords only) at the fountain. Sion Stun + Normal attack + HoV + Power Chord + Ignite = GG.

I usually get Sheen + berserker greaves + Black cleaver + malalady for her. Back then i played sona as a support, but i got tired of it cause its hard to support dumb carries/dpsers. So i decided to go with AD sona, to my surprise it was quite awesome.

Heroes of Newerth:

Not much to say, i've been playing PLAYGUUUUUU and Succubs so much recently that Ophelia and Nymphora got removed from my most used champs haha.

I use Tablet (Force staff) alot, its far better than portal key (blink dag). For its an awesome escape mech for Int champs. Normally i just make Tablet+shards for both of em, if ever my allies need it i also make an astrolabe and barrier. Else i just go for staff of the master lawls.

An old succu vid:


That's my table and new pc and shit, its running on:
Proc: AMD Athlon II x4 640 (3.0ghz)
Mobo: Gigabyte GA-M68MT-S2 GEFORCE 7025 / AM3 / DDR3
Ram: Kingston 2gb DDR3 1333MHZ x2
Case: Thermal Take V3 (4 120m fans, 1 front/top/bottom/back)
HD's: x2 Western Digital 500gb , x1 250 gb seagate
CPU Fan / Proc Fan: Coolermaster hyper 212 Plus
GPU: Inno3d GT 220 (my old vid card lol, will replace with: [EVGA GTX460]
Power Supply: Acbel CE2 500w

Pics of when i just attached the cooler:
[1] | [2] | [3] | [4] | [5]


Unknown August 6, 2015 at 2:43 AM  

nice setup for gaming!

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The Nub

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Im Aidan, also known as Maki, Toyoman and Straightener [sGE] to most. Im a simple person, into gaming, music and all that weaboo shet. Enjoy reading my blog and downloading my uploads!


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Grando Espada Info:
Family Name: Lunetia
Family Level: 49+3

Family Name: Teroh
Family Level: 31+3

Faction: Lunatique
Leader: Lunetia

Current Actives:
4 Families

Equip/Raid Roles:

- Main Tank
- sub/main-Phys Dps
- sub Magi Dps

- Sub-Tank
- Phys Dps

- Afker (Lololol)
- Phys Dps (melee)

-A Jack of All Trades
-Most low-end equipped person