The man that hates sleep

ungh, not much to post since i dont want to post full details of what happens at school. Like how i get pwnt in a quiz that was friggn unexpected and yet was discussed when i was absent but i barely passed getting half marks lol! (essay is made of win mah boi)

Lately i've been sleeping for only like 2hours or 3 a day. Why you might ask? , simple i think i shld spend more time doing stuff than sleeping (resting) since i find sleep kinda a waste of life/time o.o (not like im wasting life on games lol). Its just that i think i can do more and so i just sleep for the heck of needing to sleep. Then again my classmates are surprised how the hell i stay awake in those boring classes or how i get what they teach in my head even if i do sleep in their class (yes theology 101, i sleep and im able to answer the quiz afterwards, dun ask me i dunno what magic is inside my head x_x)

Hmm so accounting im getting the hang of, it wasnt so hard as how i saw it back then in highschool. (maybe bec. that time my sleep technique is pure sleep XD lawl!) nah, its just that accounting requires alot of attention and getting to know the terms and such. Its quite easy i guess (given that your understanding of english is good)

Filipino class! damn haha, earlier we had a grouping where we were free to choose what/where we want to go. They were "Awit, Dula at Sayaw" (Song, Acting/play, Dance). If you know me well enough, hell no im doing dancing or singing. So i went with something i guess i can do and follow. The acting/play, we discussed random crap and came to an end with a mix of random ideas @_@ So we came up with using an old folklore/tale/writing for story and mixed it up with new stuff (for example) like Star wars characters (well that's what they said ._.). I myself dont know how the hell it would turn out but its kinda quite interesting. We're doing it this August 21 i think. Got alot of time but we're only free during saturdays for practice so that's only a few meetings =.=

Algebra, boring as always i nearly die when im in the class ._. , its just me and Paulo (from IT) are tripp'n around so i dun fall asleep lol. But seriously, damn that professor needs a new teaching tech, reading a book and saying it to her students is dumb. So what if you dont have a book to read? how will you teach? fuggen lulz.

CWOTS / NSTP last friday was made of lulz as always, it was a supar laid back subject lol. Just watched a vid - write a reaction - pass - go home early - Have fun with your epic win :p

Comp101, earlier ya had a quiz like i said earlier. I was pwnt bad but i passed anyway so no worries, a classmate of mine had her 16th (i think) birthday and her block-mates even bought her a cake. Too bad the cake is a lie for maki maki D: i wasnt able to eat eeeeeeeeeet noooooooooooo! Sadly bec. where the hell would we get spoon and forks up in the highest floor in the college building ._. , so sian la i wasnt able to eat cake! CAKE IS A LIE NOOOO (not to mention it was my fav cake D: )

Psych is ..... no comment. Cant sleep, scary prof. Like i'd get beheaded or something =o=

Theo 101, bro Jonnas is win! (our prof), good guy he's an alright prof no probs its just that since i cant sleep during psych and his class is next i tend to doze off during his class. But anyway i get what he says even if im dozing off, must be powar of zee wordz of God o.o anyway i should be remembering the 12 sons of jacob. He teaches us weird but effective techniques to memorize crap. He said to affiliate them with something crazy and connect them with each other so you can easily memorize (and no im not explaining how to do that, use your own imagination fug)

meh that's all for now wif mai laifu , i cant remember the other crap i did since fug so much happening and since i lack sleep i guess some of mai brain cells be dying (nah haha joke, OH NOES DEMENTIA! ._. oh lawld psych101 got quiz later on lul)

oh and i made 2 new psp wallpapers for mai psp using zee cute gorean pics from Drussx and Pie (i got from sGE forum thread)

im keeping the original width so if ever anyone wants to use feel free to fap, erm i mean use for joor psp ^^,v

In-Game / sGE forum:
haha well.... for one im back in Corazon Del Leon for anyone's info. I spend mai raid/afk days wif em. Thanx very much :3 , Pie got into CDL after a long time of doubt and emo ness xD. Hehe since roger kinda had a change of heart after pie's epic support during an arsene. Yes ladies and gents he didnt die even tho his scout wasnt on imbal LN's or an imba eRS (no +3dr anyway i think) he live through the whole raid w/out using any sc's.

The tip for arsene? pot alot. I got info from kaze that arsene's attacks are invisible to others but it damages your hp. So change stances from time to time. You'll see your hp is dmg'd when you do, since i was on a blunt i changed stances from time to time and saw that my hp is dropping but, i can tank arsene with that. I never got the "omg i dont even" (some meme sengoku raid team made abt dying w/out reason from arsene) but infact its really yer getting dmgd and you dont see your hp going down so you dont pot. With that he just hits you and you dont know you're already dead!



ok enough HNK but hey that's an idea! *evil grin* , during that raid with the pie man we got 4 red arsene tickets, yes folks 4 reds lol. I name the raid SUPAR RED! , here's screenie to proove:

Hmm so i've been afk'n my main dude alot and i've discovered that broomy is epic! but sadly i only had 92 food to begin with so i dont know if he could last up to i master my fighter =\ , Now he's at 66% and me with 20 food remaining and 31% lvl 9. So i think i'll need to buy feso so i can buy food, but ._. my vis is so low, haiz...

So a screenie before/while i was typing, my exp on my fighter:

I noticed that cath looks nice on the side view so i kinda took a stolen picture and here it is:

Catherine Int:
Name: Psykhe
Family: Zalmoxis
Arsene Raid spec: Ele nuker and Wiz buffer
-one of the key players of CDL arsene raiding

Some random botters sent to prison for epic collection of rat meat:
why the screenshot? , time to apply what we put in after we put what you debited and credited, the explaination.
To record botters sent to prison by report during unholy hours

Kenshiro Meme time:i'f you're reading this, then you're already in jail LOL!

Epic TA picture:

Some drama? hmm nothing really just that someone's been real cold lately but i dont mind so its cool.

Its better anyway , but fuuuuuucccc KENSHIROOOOOOOO is epic ._. why the hell didnt i watch fist of the north star back then? =o maybe bec. it wasnt shown in our Television D: but damn! so Fucking epic. I watched a few stuff in youtube like his fight with souther, shuu's death (and fight), Hyuuei's appearance and death, Juze? (the dude that is related with the clouds) and his fight with Raoh. haha just those but damn nice!

Lady Idge:

Random Additions:
Hajime no ippo new challenger just ended ._. and it was "bitin" i was fuggen hanging tharr, he was supposed to fight sawamura next (i think) DAMN! that is an epic one. Since *spoiler* Sawamura can counter the dempsy roll and told ippo its a technique that is flawed and easy to counter. Oh damn! (oh wait i think ippo fights other people first before sawamura , but anyway only sawamura's fight is cool =p)

The manga "My balls" and "onani master kurasawa-kun" is getting interesting (note my balls is ecchi and near 18+ , not like you care you horneh lil kids) creds to kaze for recommending me to read it back then haha. As for onani master , aya (Arriane Caringal) told me to read it. It's lulz aswell haha good shet to read :p

I guess i can finish my post with this so till then, thanks for reading!

If you're viewing this, you're already dead! ATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATA!

*i blame pie for this addiction!*


Kers Gruemeyr July 7, 2009 at 9:59 PM  

Damned luck at arsene sir=) 4 reds.
Wish the botters in Bach went to prison, the damn alarm always warn them and they type their damn code=\

Maki July 8, 2009 at 12:28 AM  

haha thanks, ya it was epic. All the mini bosses (except one) dropped red tickets, i got 1 for myself by calling for it and our scout got 1 for the great support. Since we didnt use sc much (that's a big thing haha considering we're not people on LN/ELN/ELB or imba e92's hehe)

i hope you get lucky on your bach raids Kers =) , btw yer family name? if its ok i can put you in my links :3

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The Nub

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Im Aidan, also known as Maki, Toyoman and Straightener [sGE] to most. Im a simple person, into gaming, music and all that weaboo shet. Enjoy reading my blog and downloading my uploads!


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Grando Espada Info:
Family Name: Lunetia
Family Level: 49+3

Family Name: Teroh
Family Level: 31+3

Faction: Lunatique
Leader: Lunetia

Current Actives:
4 Families

Equip/Raid Roles:

- Main Tank
- sub/main-Phys Dps
- sub Magi Dps

- Sub-Tank
- Phys Dps

- Afker (Lololol)
- Phys Dps (melee)

-A Jack of All Trades
-Most low-end equipped person