sGE Family Update: 03/01/2010

Good Morning readers,
gah up so early since recently i've been getting only "cat naps" [yes i know im a bear :A:]. Anyway so you people hardy ever noticed i never posted any "update" regarding my Account anymore. Well that's bec. i seldom go on and normally its "Pail" that plays my account. The guy that changed my fam name gah~! i let him play while i was on hiatus and he went bonkers thinking i quit so he changed my sexy french-toast name to an MTG card....

Moving on, im happy to say that we the family has done some of the few on the "to do" list. For one the "solo raid bosses" part, so far i've been able to solo "weak" raid bosses such as Diablo, ST Bosses and PY Bosses. With the help of jun [winchester] we were able to down garim together. An unexpected raid with ben [obentleyo] made uraues an addition to my list. What am i talking about? here's some funny pics :3

Hurr durr durr derp derp derp

omigod no D:

highlander? o.o

Yes i know its not "soloing" but hey im not imbaaa so that should count :3 , Next up is Arseneeeeee! So we tried some more lulz shit for arsene so its not the same-old ,same-old. Raids should be fun and enjoyable, we're doing it for the lulz and here are 2 of the lulz types i got screen'd.

Sexy hoe arsene and a bear

Scoutsss rawr :3

TANK RUSH KEKEKEKEKE *cough* musk rush
~click the pic for a larger view~

heh well yarrr very fun indeed~! Recently also the family has gained 2 Aquarius symbols. 1 through infiltration raid along with Jun[Winchesterx] , Big sis [Delkhaze] and Miko [Fuhrenhart] but ofcourse i paid them their share of the aqua for it should've been sold [the profits divided by us 4]. The other one was when i joined to mule a TA, yes i didnt Fuck the room up, sincei was bored i decided to help the room maker. I noticed he was an expert and someone who "wastes pot" (by that kills sylicas at enemy base) so i just went to kill KoG w/out max dr and only max AR and ATK. God that was... well i managed to down it and get coins for myself to buff. After killing dilos (idk where the guy was so i practically solo'd dilos) i got an aqua! yes bec. of my delight i decided to give the guy the lvl 100 armors and all the lvl 92 chips. Since he never saw i got an aqua he thought i was an epic nice guy :3 well i am *whistles*

With the aqua from infiltration lady Eryleen gained Flintlock and the secound aqua was sold to Dixon [shakey] for 290m {darn jooo you cheapo! lol just kidding hehe}. Also another soul has left the family D: , Ryou the radiant has been sent off as a mercenary to help off the Nakazora family in their endeavors in the new world. It was sad to let him go but the family was in dire need of vis :\ and so he offered himself to be sent off to another family.

So up to date so far 3 People have left the ranks. Kaslyn Straightener was sold off for precious stones in hopes of finding a better home. Saber LaRenuille was spiritualized into a real sword the most deadly sword of the family. Kou Teroh was hired as and adopted as a permanent mercenary.

So recently a loli friend of mine is getting bored of GE but cant quit due to the fact that she has already invested too much in the game. What i say is just play for fun, dont spend anymore and stop wanting to spend. Spending on the game is like a box of cigs, smokers find it hard to stop but its not impossible. If you want to quit go and quit but dont give away or sell anything, so if ever you return you'd have something to greet you back when you do. -For Clara Keisaku [i think i posted this in her FB? loool]

To All: Just raid with friends and have fun, this is a game afterall.

~Click the pic for a larger view~

since the summer is comming up and a new cc crew event is here, i've made this entry. Not for me but for someone (if its possible i join for another fam, i'd like it better if she receives that expert hps).

Info and shet: [Link]
Where to Submit your entries: [Link]

How huge is your sGE Ego?

Hello readers, today i'll dicuss about something related to Winchester's Blog post. Normally people with this and that brag alot, may it be irl or online. Its ofcourse common in games for there are strong players and there are weaker ones. But since im an sGE player, i'll talk about "how big is your pixelated granado ego".

Alright~! lets start.

First on the list: Top Factions.

Normally when people see someone from a high rank faction, or a famous one. The mindset is always "oh he must be imba", "this guy is a botter" or "ah must be a paytard". Yes even i thought about this myself back then when i was still a newbie leveling in topolo getting dragged by people on running AI *snrk*. Most people in top factions boast alot, yes they do dont deny it! xD.

Anyway my point is if you play in sGE rembrandt server lets take "LordGodo" 's recruitment broad (from Eminence) "Tired of Looking at HCoF and ABS Loots? Join Eminence to Get them!" - the broad goes something along those lines (yes its midnight and i cant see the broad anymore on my freaking system tab). First of all, why the need to tell people that joining them is a sure-fire way of getting those strong equips in abs/hcof?

First and foremost i was from Eminence, i know how their raid-rewards works. Unless you're a no lifer and such you wont even get enough points to bid-war with older members. Why you ask? time ofcourse my dear reader, imagine a person raiding for long and he has (this is an example) 300 points. You an aspiring new member wanting good stuff raided hard and such over the month. You were able to gather around 500 points to be able to bid war for that item you like. Oh but wait here comes older guy that was also raiding alot during your stay with his 800 points. Can you bid war against him? nah, choose another item right?

See the thing is you cant get the stuff you need to up yourself bec. the policy "need over greed" is never followed. Ok this may be just my "vain" for not being able to bid-war for that armor i really needed back then, but puh-lease the dude that beat me sold the armor first thing he got it. Oh yes the grass is so green when you raid alot. Anyway my point is, why the need to brag and give an empty promise that's just harsh in my oppinion.

Other broads contain:
"tired of eating very good beef? join eminence *bla bla i forgot*" - vondeville
-> Seriously, why do retards broad recruitments like this?

oh yes there was someone from our faction aswell
"Searching about New Heros, , Stop think and change ur life~~~ speeedoo" - Speedtouch
-> Fucking hell thanks for killing the faction name

"we farm aqua like ore join us now" - TheShadowKnights
-> i got nothing against santa (yep we call shadow santa) but bragging so much that they can get aqua like squat kinda gets to me really...

ungh.. i ran out of wtf broads. I'll add more some other time. Ok so that part looked like some Emn-rant-hole. Yes but i made sense bec. i was in EMN before and you dont get imba overnight or over a month or 2.

ok went off-track there, lets get back to topic.

Next on the list: Equipments

Glow glow glow, people and their glows. It normally occurs to someone when they see people with Constel,Serpent and Chess weapons on +6 and +7 glows it automatically makes them imba. It also ensures imba-Ego, people with those glows cussing others "nub", "lol" or "run away weak" during CW (yes one AS member did this to me, true he/she was imba and im a weak-ass :3).

Recently in sGE forum there was an argument bec. of the new ABS loots, raiders complaining that their precious raiding items in a dumb browser game. Then it turned to an FFA brag fest-flame war on how imba they are against a boss and such. *cough* Lyco *cough*sa *cough*

Conclusion: Alot of Top faciton people have huge e-peen
I r internet tough guy, i pwn joo in a game.
Pixels are my power and typing is my strength,
fear my imba glowing sticks of doom!

Q:Maki you fucking nub, this shitty post looks like a damn rant fest
A:ungh well idk, my friend also asked my oppinion on this so well erm that is my answer?

Q:Why so much hate against top factions? while you're in one aswell
A:Mind you im a fucking nub, im weak and i just pew pew at people. Why i hate them so much? i'll give you reasons.

AS:Oh hai tharr im on running Ai lemme run over you with my imba equips and cath bot
LC:We iz gloreh and honoh, join our honor nao. Excuse me while i use jack/angie AI in your AT spot
EMN:WE IZ POWA! AllUrBaseRbelongToUs u all weak!
Symb:[seriously idk? only thing annoying are those random guys that bot in peril but er they get sent to prison fast...]
VQ:[my view on VQ is actually cool really but if there's something annoying about us is..] We hate emn so much we're loosing track of what we should focus moar~!

seriously as much as i want a PK fest a blind war is never good. Im glad every time my dear friend YUAN-CHAN (AHAHA) *ehem* Winchesterx leads VQ never fails to nab atleast one colony :3

Last words of advice: Be humble, weather you are a weak-ass or an imba-ass player. This is just a game, your bragging rights can be easily swept away when the game closes or you get hacked or whatever retarded reason. Be nice, its better to have more people admire you for being a good person than having fear-admiration. Since that would just mean you're an ass and a looser irl that spends all his money on a game so people would look up to you. (or not?)

oh god feel free to flame me and pk me in-game i'd hardly care. lol~!

Now i present a not-so-random pvp vid

The Different types of sGE players

What kind of GE player are you?

Today we'll talk about the different types of GE players as described by yours truly, mr. nub. But first let me babble about some random facts and shit. Normally there are 3 Types of players, the paytards, the free loaders and the botterrs. I know there's more but its normally those 3 and it just differ a little on how they do things. So lets start!

First on the list are "the young hopefuls". These are what we call newbies, they will reach level 100 and then split of to the different types of players. Some give up half way, others continue to push on to reach 100 and come to a realization that sGE is a hella expensive game or he will bot hard...

It then splits off to three afterwards, The Botter, The Paytard and The For-fun player. The Hardcore botter are those that are, well botting hard (durr ._.). The paytard are those that have imba amounts of irl cash and dont know where to dump so they dump it on pixels. The For fun player can be a mix of the 2 or a pure freeloader.

These players splits off yet again to more clasifications!

Lets start with the hardcore botters:

The hardcore botter can compose of 3, the pure botter, the paytard botter and the raiding botter.

The pure botter is self explanatory, those that bot hard and get items through selling shit to npcs and ofcourse the random strike of luck that they get good stuff from botting.

The Paytard botter is one of the most deadly combinations in sGE, they bot hard and paytard hard. Its the #1 formula to get imba quick in sGE.

The raiding botter is like the hardcore botter but he has really no life, for a hardcore botter can just bot and walk away and let some fag he knows answer reports for him. The raiding botter are those that have no life, they bot hard and raid hard. For example *cough*Fi*cough*er*cough*no*cough*vuh*cough* who have been sent alot by autobot of sGE forums to jail and hunts KoG like no tomorrow.

The Paytard class:

One of the classes of paytard already fell upon botters "the paytard botter".The other types of paytards are; The Character buyer, the Whore and The Weaponmaster.

The character buyer is well common, mostly those that have no time to train chars and have the money to buy them from people. They just pour down their irl cash to get vis and stuff and poof instant family level.

The Whore are those that spends huge amounts of money just to make their chars look as good as they can. Like for example buying a LeNoir / Elite Le Noir armor just so their characters would look "sexy" on them, spending tokens (HCoF) to get those cute back items and costumes.

The weaponmaster is a person is one of the most heavy spenders i can think of. They are those that look for imba weapons via chipping and/or enhancing. Those guys with +7 40atk 100human 3ar weapons (ok that's too much but its just an example) those who chip their weapons to perfection, those who have alot of diff weapons with imba stats, those with tons of weapons that are +7 or +6. Yes the imba weapon master~!

The For fun class:

These guys are the lowest on the spending or botting tier, these guys are those people that just play the game for lulz. They can be classified to "mini" types of the other classes, they can be botters, paytards or legit players. They just play the game on their own pace, they leave w/out regrets or just spends time bec. their friends are playing the game. Though they might spend sometime to get those combat manuals or random items or bot so they dont waste electricity dying from dying overnight bec. they have fail equip or just those players that come on from time to time to raid mini bosses with friends and chat a bit.

I know these arent all the types of players but hey they are from my view point. I hope you enjoyed this post :)

Note: i do not intend to offend anyone with my post, this is just a for fun "comparison" / identification or somewhat. Also since my friend was interested if ever i made this post.

The Music of Now: Thousand Foot Krutch

Yoh Readers,
My next "music of now" features a rock band i recently heard. Yep, Thousand Foot Krutch.
Wikipedia info: [Link]

Their track "phenomenon" blew me away and got me into looking for more music from them. I heard it from a dota MV/Machinima in youtube. If you're looking for a good/nice metal/rock band i recommend this band :D (or if you liked the crackspada vid's first song lol...)

I'll post it in my upload blog The Hub so you all can DL.

Phenomenon [With lyrics!] by Thousand Foot Krutch

Crackspada Arsene

As the tittle states an arsene raid with Crackspada People. Just finished it a while ago and i think it turned out good/ok, played with the end a bit since i ran out of creativity lawls. Yea vid editing sucks bec. i only used windows movie maker 1. bite me -.-

Phenomenon - Thousand Foot Krutch
Velvet - Alice NIne
Zetsubou Billy - Maximum The Hormone

Families / Chars :
Fuhrenhart - Romina [Expert]
Teroh - Musketeer [Master]
Winchesterx - Nar [Expert?]
Delkhaze - Elementalist [Master]

Edited by: Me :p
Progs: Fraps , Windows Movie Maker

Random Addition:
Since i was in the mood for making moar vids i made an MMA video lawl

Hrin buff - lvl 11 Intensify - lvl 11 Consolidation - Lucifer Wing
+5 Steel Knuck 24% atk up, Lightning +28, 3ar
+6 Carbon Gaiter 34% atk up , Lightning +39

Hrin buff on
+6 ESA 3dr , +6 Immunity, +6 Immunity
Metal belt +5 Immunity

Teroh - Gracielo
Winchesterx - Grandice

Boss Death - Asupara [Nico Douga]

In sGE browser games raid bosses

Good day readers and sGE players!

Recently ABS was updated again, it was filled with epic and drama. As usual the community is 50-50 in terms of appreciating freebies. First of all IAH yet again has destroyed a raid called "brain of argus" providing "rare" recipes that raid drops to their free-browser game.

Loots in order:
Top Loot
Dragon heart recipe - Elite Schvarlier armor - 50 boot searches

Prized Booty
Ring master key - Vergo Key - Constel box - Elite behe
Elite Levi - Elite Ziz - e96 Fighter - e96 Scout
e96 Musk - e96 Wizard - e96 Elem - Ogre Knife
Ogre Long sowrd - Ogre dagger - Ogre PA - Ogre Shotgun
Ogre Orb - Werewolf Sword - Werewolf shield - Werewolf dagger
Werewolf Rifle - Werewolf Axe - Belt - Leather belt
Metal belt - Garim belt - Silver Earring - Golden Earring
The Will of Argus

Image From: Pioneering Granado Espadap

The other booty consists of good stuff aswell. Which makes player rage, well the die hard raiders anyway. But the thing is, those die hard raiders are big spenders also... So why are they complaining you ask? simple~! The gap between them and those that are lazy to time and raid those monsters are lessening.

The most powerful thing in a F2P MMO is $$, yes money. If you have tons of irl cash and you dont know where to dump it, yet you're playing an F2P MMO. Oh god you're so gonna be imba.. They say money makes the world go round, in the online game world thats the case too especially in sGE.

History recap: Ever since ABS was released it gave away free items that makes those that spend alot catch up to those die hard botters and raiders. It killed the 30 ar / 26 dr armor/weapon difference when it first came out, next was the release of Dragon Heart Recipe and e92 Armor recipes during the 800% CNY boom. Everyone was rolling on elite 92 armors months after. It used to be as priceless as a serpent weapon but now?

Moving on ofcourse alot are ranting now, later on you see everyone running on their Garim and argus shit like its some commodity. Then we have Hellena's Circus of Fate, where in last december people were able to get Elite Le Blanc's and Crafted 32ar weaponry. Seriously, the gap between non paying-just for fun people against imba spenders/imba raiders/both are getting big and fast. Well not that it was already even back then.....

With that i will end this short post :3.

Q: What about you maki? what are your views on spending and such?
A: Play the game at your own pace. You can spend on the game if you like, for whatever reason you have. Just a reminder though, remember to set limits. Too much of everything is bad and spending too much on a game aint good for you :)

Q: Do you still buy GVC?
A: Last time i bought was around the time i rejoined CDL after leaving E m i n e n c e, so its been long... 5, 6 or 7 months already i guess :D

Now A lulz image macro:

Cautionary Warning

Hello Readers, Today we'll talk about Forums, Forumers, Trolling , sGE Community Crews and SEA Granado Espada Forums. First of all if you're not into internet jargon and the such (which i doubt , but anyway..) you'd ask "what are these things?". Good quesiton~!

Forums, a forum is an online discussion board. A place where the gamers of SEA Granado espada discuss topics and such with other gamers, moderators, community crews and the company staff of the game itself.
Forumers are the posters the members of that forum go there to discuss topics with everyone else. Normally they are the players of the said game.
Trolling, troll is an internet term for a person who willfully, through obscene, offensive or hateful actions (a.k.a. "trolling"), attempts to disrupt a community or garner reactions, attention and controversy.
sGE Community Crews, they are like normal members but they have a special connection with the moderators and the company staff. Normal players/members can apply for that position so they can further help the community.
SEA Granado Espada Forums or better known as sGE Forum. Is an online message board for the game, like any other message board or well "group" it is composed of different people and different views.

You might wonder "why do you want to talk about this maki?" , ah nice question. For some time now i've been an active member of sGE forum, i've been a Community Crew before also and I think i have served "my people" well in terms of helping and understanding them. But i am also a troll , not a rough one but still i normally go troll people if they deserve it.

I think i havent answered the question yet so here goes, so lately there were newly appointed CC's in sGE. To my dismay some of them have problems with understanding what a community crew member is. With that i initiated a plan to troll them and see how far they can go. Funny enough they showed their true colors in just one thread, they even talked about wanting to give "infractions" (its like a warning given by moderators to members that deserve it, getting a ton of those ensures lulz and a ban) to those "trolls".

If you're an sGE forumer feel free to read this thread to see how big an ego our said "crew" has.

Image by Breakshot

First of all , the number one in our list. Mr Alexandrictor. Alot of people were ticked off by what his signature says, "Leading by Example" (in a font size larger than normal sized ones). I would just like to say, Community Crew members arent "leaders" nor are they above the normal members of the forum. They serve as a helping hand, that position means YOU help people. You ARE NOT above them nor are you bellow them, but i think our dear blue has lost track of his job and thinks he is above the normal members.

Second, what sparked people is how he reacts to "flames" a CC should not ignore and let flames fan more. They should bomb it with ice and cool it down before it spreads to a wildfire. What do i mean? see his reply on those people that gave comments with regards to his suggestion.

This is what he suggested:
Originally Posted by Alexandrictor

Rewarding Activeness, Banishing Botters

Every 15 minutes, a bot report will be activated on players who are 'active' in the server (including allowance of 30 seconds for the system to determine who are 'active'). Thereafter, the player must replicate the code for verification within 2 minutes (similar to the current bot report). If the player fails to respond within 2 minutes and the time runs out, the player will be sent to prison immediately.

Every time the player answers the bot report correctly, he or she will receive a shell. When he/she has accumulated many shells, he/she can then proceed to Leonardo Expresso to claim freebies (eg. Event Soul Crystals and Hrin Potions). For active players who can't be bothered/has no time to answer the bot report, he/she can just click the 'I'm active' button and the bot report window will close.

This idea may pose as a hassle to most players, but this is compensated by the available freebies. This idea also effectively force botters to monitor the game, or be at risk of being given a free Disneyland ticket. To minimise the disturbance caused to players who are raiding/PVP-ing, those players who are in instanced room missions will be spared from the bot report test. Unfortunately, those players who are raiding normal map bosses like Diablo/Vergo will have to undergo the bot report test, since there is no way for the system to detect raid activities in normal maps. However, they can just press the 'I'm active' button to skip the code verification.

Xanxus' Comments: Very good idea in the beginning. However, the "I'm Active" button may be abused using autoclickers. Which may lead to bot report being ineffective totally.

Alexandrictor's Comments: Thanks Xan. Hmm, is it possible if the code verification window pop-up at different positions everytime? This will render the autoclickers useless since the button will change positions every 15 minutes.

His idea is pretty lame if you ask me, putting that will ensure MORE FAIL in the bot report than it already has. If you are an sGE player you know that the bot report has one BIG FLAW. Korean bug, yes ladies and gents it ensures you go to prison for sure. What if every 15mins you get reported by the system and it then gives you korean bug? what will you do? farm for rat meat and rat nails? hah! dont Fuck with me :). See also my reply here. You know how he reacts to all the comments that were given in the thread?

Click the pic for a larger view, image from My Boring life blog

Seriously, this is how CC's should react? i know they can just ignore flamers but blantantly saying they will and that they will put them on his ignore list? hah what a joke. Did the staff really want this kid to help people? With regards to the topic his replies were abit off, shows how LESS he knows about the topic at hand. It is not xtrap's failure, xtrap is quite good already and blocks a handful. The problem is the game has "ai" itself, with that people can just edit the ai file of the game and just edit the patcher and so that their commands will be recognized along with their Ai script. Auto clickers can also exploit the "im active button" so the suggestion is pure rubbish

Next up is.... who else but sGE's very own JUDGE DREDD wannabe! my post about him wont be so long but if you read that thread fully he went judge dredd on people.
Originally Posted by DANamic
With all due respect, this thread and others like it are in the Feedback & Suggestions Discussion. It means you should give constructive feedback and not hunt down the bold ones that actually bothered to give a suggestion.

If you have nothing else to say that is constructive, helpful, informative but is instead hurtful, meaningless or defamatory, please don't reply at all.

This thread will be monitored with more scrutiny. Please don't treat it like a free-for-all flame thread. That is that. The certain few who seem to be causing problems, I suggest you better wind down, you are being looked at as well.

Translation of the quote: You all suck. We will ignore your comments bec. WE ARE THE LAW. You are being looked at so stfu or we will exercise our right to ban your asses and again I AM THE LAW. *double whammy*

Mr Dredd has exercised his law and will give out infractions to any troll that is/are willing to obstruct his law. srsly? ahahahaha pleaseeeeee.... These are the CC's of NOW? holy shit HA-Fucking-HA-HA! Also, changing those forum bb codes to html coding to "bold" them was rather annoying and time consuming...

The other CC's im proud, they help the nubs and ignore stuff they need to ignore and reply to cool down flames to those that needs replying. These 2? ah these 2 are the most amazing cc i have seen since my stay in sGE forums. I also got note and word that they "ass-kiss" so much they're eating IAH-Staff-Shit. I bet these two wants to be "player mods", cmon dont insult being player mods with making these two jokers player mods. The great history of the ragnar is gonna be tainted if these fuckers are turned to pmod.

I also heard that Dredd said "if only we can give out infractions i'd give a handful" , llll-looool STFU MOAR PLOX :>

From my big sis Llyse:
you're supposed to be liasons between IAH and the community, not Fucking volunteer police

With that i end you with a question: Are these the people you would consider being a pmod or even being a CC? feel free to reply via comment or shout box. or just think about it inside of you.


Normally you play a game for a reason, may it be to find out it's story, have fun beating something, the thrill/adrenaline it gives and all other reasons. An MMO player can have alot of reasons to play that MMO he plays, some stay for the friendship/company of people across the globe. Some just play for the beauty that the game gives, others play to be competitive.

Yesterday in such a long time in Granado Espada i felt "alive", i was always a person that likes fights (not irl but that's ok too given my enemy is asking for it). I love playing beat-em-up games, fighting and mecha fighters. Yesterday like every sunday Granado Espada holds what we call a "Colony war". It is where warring factions fight each other to take hold of "colonies". After a war a colony gives certain benefits to its holders, such as +health bonus, Daily raids, drop rate / experience rate buffs. I joined a faction that was against almost all odds, fighting the three biggest names in the server of rembrandt.

I know most of my friends would ask me, "Why join them maki?". I have friends in warring factions too, for one Superiority (Yz), Aki (Omdoria), Thanh (RoyalForever), Lloyd (Lloydworth) and alot more. I think friendships shouldnt crumble under things like these, it is part of the game and it should be enjoyed (Player Kill mode of colony war). Im glad my friends arent the emo type that would go *delete from friend list~* on me.

Last night was great! I enjoyed CW to the best. The thing about Colony war is the mass pk, its forced pvp to protect and defend yourselves and your areas. My faction was targeting colonies that were under Eminence, the start was abit blurr to me since i just got back to the CW scene. But i slowly got the hang of it and saved my warps fast and deleted those that arent that far from the waypoints/towns.

The start of the CW was fast, we took out some colonies and waited for orders. We did alot of "road marching" bec. the enemy knew that we'd go for their colonies so they switched colony possessions with their ally. Anyway it was an "epic" 2 hour battle we had alot of ups and downs, some people didnt show up for CW and other shetty stuff. But the main thing was i enjoyed playing GE again! I felt Alive that 2 hours. Yes that might sound real nerdy to say that i felt "alive" in a game but seriously it was awesome.

I went pew pew and boom on alot of people. I guess the most epic was the last 30mins when epic action was pulled. Sadly i learned that my musk aint so good for a sea-of-red mission. With that i changed my team to Kou and Toyoman, since MMA and HG both has AoE's with stun and high dmg mods.

Im looking forward to next week's colony war. I hope my that one of my idols Oey returns, i wish to CW with him even just one time :). It was a good war VQ! with that the ~?~ family sets foot forward inside the house of the "Rebels" of Rembrandt.

Onward to uncertain victory! ~lol

Fight and pierce through, drill the heavens with your bread! :D [haha this line is only for my crackspada friends]

The Nub

My photo
Im Aidan, also known as Maki, Toyoman and Straightener [sGE] to most. Im a simple person, into gaming, music and all that weaboo shet. Enjoy reading my blog and downloading my uploads!


Free Blog Counter

Fail Counter: Feb 9 2010

My Random Stuff

Grando Espada Info:
Family Name: Lunetia
Family Level: 49+3

Family Name: Teroh
Family Level: 31+3

Faction: Lunatique
Leader: Lunetia

Current Actives:
4 Families

Equip/Raid Roles:

- Main Tank
- sub/main-Phys Dps
- sub Magi Dps

- Sub-Tank
- Phys Dps

- Afker (Lololol)
- Phys Dps (melee)

-A Jack of All Trades
-Most low-end equipped person