sGE Family Update: 03/01/2010

Good Morning readers,
gah up so early since recently i've been getting only "cat naps" [yes i know im a bear :A:]. Anyway so you people hardy ever noticed i never posted any "update" regarding my Account anymore. Well that's bec. i seldom go on and normally its "Pail" that plays my account. The guy that changed my fam name gah~! i let him play while i was on hiatus and he went bonkers thinking i quit so he changed my sexy french-toast name to an MTG card....

Moving on, im happy to say that we the family has done some of the few on the "to do" list. For one the "solo raid bosses" part, so far i've been able to solo "weak" raid bosses such as Diablo, ST Bosses and PY Bosses. With the help of jun [winchester] we were able to down garim together. An unexpected raid with ben [obentleyo] made uraues an addition to my list. What am i talking about? here's some funny pics :3

Hurr durr durr derp derp derp

omigod no D:

highlander? o.o

Yes i know its not "soloing" but hey im not imbaaa so that should count :3 , Next up is Arseneeeeee! So we tried some more lulz shit for arsene so its not the same-old ,same-old. Raids should be fun and enjoyable, we're doing it for the lulz and here are 2 of the lulz types i got screen'd.

Sexy hoe arsene and a bear

Scoutsss rawr :3

TANK RUSH KEKEKEKEKE *cough* musk rush
~click the pic for a larger view~

heh well yarrr very fun indeed~! Recently also the family has gained 2 Aquarius symbols. 1 through infiltration raid along with Jun[Winchesterx] , Big sis [Delkhaze] and Miko [Fuhrenhart] but ofcourse i paid them their share of the aqua for it should've been sold [the profits divided by us 4]. The other one was when i joined to mule a TA, yes i didnt Fuck the room up, sincei was bored i decided to help the room maker. I noticed he was an expert and someone who "wastes pot" (by that kills sylicas at enemy base) so i just went to kill KoG w/out max dr and only max AR and ATK. God that was... well i managed to down it and get coins for myself to buff. After killing dilos (idk where the guy was so i practically solo'd dilos) i got an aqua! yes bec. of my delight i decided to give the guy the lvl 100 armors and all the lvl 92 chips. Since he never saw i got an aqua he thought i was an epic nice guy :3 well i am *whistles*

With the aqua from infiltration lady Eryleen gained Flintlock and the secound aqua was sold to Dixon [shakey] for 290m {darn jooo you cheapo! lol just kidding hehe}. Also another soul has left the family D: , Ryou the radiant has been sent off as a mercenary to help off the Nakazora family in their endeavors in the new world. It was sad to let him go but the family was in dire need of vis :\ and so he offered himself to be sent off to another family.

So up to date so far 3 People have left the ranks. Kaslyn Straightener was sold off for precious stones in hopes of finding a better home. Saber LaRenuille was spiritualized into a real sword the most deadly sword of the family. Kou Teroh was hired as and adopted as a permanent mercenary.

So recently a loli friend of mine is getting bored of GE but cant quit due to the fact that she has already invested too much in the game. What i say is just play for fun, dont spend anymore and stop wanting to spend. Spending on the game is like a box of cigs, smokers find it hard to stop but its not impossible. If you want to quit go and quit but dont give away or sell anything, so if ever you return you'd have something to greet you back when you do. -For Clara Keisaku [i think i posted this in her FB? loool]

To All: Just raid with friends and have fun, this is a game afterall.

~Click the pic for a larger view~

since the summer is comming up and a new cc crew event is here, i've made this entry. Not for me but for someone (if its possible i join for another fam, i'd like it better if she receives that expert hps).

Info and shet: [Link]
Where to Submit your entries: [Link]


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The Nub

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Im Aidan, also known as Maki, Toyoman and Straightener [sGE] to most. Im a simple person, into gaming, music and all that weaboo shet. Enjoy reading my blog and downloading my uploads!


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Grando Espada Info:
Family Name: Lunetia
Family Level: 49+3

Family Name: Teroh
Family Level: 31+3

Faction: Lunatique
Leader: Lunetia

Current Actives:
4 Families

Equip/Raid Roles:

- Main Tank
- sub/main-Phys Dps
- sub Magi Dps

- Sub-Tank
- Phys Dps

- Afker (Lololol)
- Phys Dps (melee)

-A Jack of All Trades
-Most low-end equipped person