So today we revisited a raid we didnt really want to do. Back then we failed hard on this raid when bleu was still expert.
We had:
Vedengris, Illdamiel, SchwarzeKaiserin, Yanagiba, Bleustein and Me. But we were kinda fucked by the bosses bad. Maybe bec. the lack of human equips at that time and since bleu was still expert then.
Today we went in to test it out, to see if we can challenge it and include it to the daily raids we usually do. The results were awesome, it was far easier now than when we did it back then. (i love you protection field)
My calyce and musk survived the raid with shit armors (haha)

Seriously, what do you expect from GE's roulettes? lol
Im quite happy we were able to finish this one, maybe now we can add it to our daily raids. Although i still have some doubts with regards to this raid, bec. back then the bosses that spawned on us were quite annoying/strong.
This run we were up against:
Hellena - Killed First
Brunie - I ff'd her after hellena died (idk who schwarze and bleu targeted, i think jack)
Jack / Claude - Jack died somewhere while i was trying to hit claude (prolly from Schwarze and Bleu's aoe's)
Yana drawed aggro like a boss , lolol (i was hapilly gunning them bosses down while i drink some tea, no not rly lolol)
I bought a claire set (the new costume) for my lovely loli. Experimented abit and i find the new hairpiece compliments the rosa camille costume so much! Im thinking of getting another hairpiece since claire's default hairstyle dosent fit the new costume. But alas im quite low on vis after checking my inventory, must stuff more :|

I'll End my post here, enjoy!
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