Old Place, New Experience

Recently i changed/transferred universities due to the fact that my current one is quite far and i have trouble getting up early and unable to attend / i'd always be late. That caused me to normally fail at some/most subjects, I went/enrolled to a college that is near our home. It is quite easy to reach, it was a place im quite familiar with. For i spent most of my younger days there.

The First day of classes started quite cold, haha. Everyone was silent , also i do give an "aura" of being kinda frightening and anti-social, maybe its just bec. of my looks? haha (well what can i do if i look like some bouncer that can knock someone out randomly LOL) . Well moving on, the first subject was algebra. The professor was kinda "interesting". She didnt go straight with the subj/teaching, rather she gave alot of trivias and explained how "algrebra" is useful and how it affects a person and such.

After that we had a symposium about the current "state of calamity" regarding the H1N1 thing. I just slept during it tho, good chance to get back some sleep. Since i slept like 3am and woke up at 6am ._.

Then i had my Fil 101, i noticed all.almost all Filipino subj professors/teachers are the same really. The normal "i give smiling face but inside im a real beech =D" , Well that could just be me... Some say 1st impressions last, others say otherwise.

Class ended and it was lunch break but actually i wasnt really hungry so i just went to get a random "snack bar" (yes a snack that is a bar, not a snack bar where you buy snacks). Then i went up to my next room at 1pm, it was still 12:30pm and i was just writing in my notebook what i should write here in my blog since it was boredom max! lol. So with that i waited for my next professor up to 1pm. Then my classmates came in and later on my professor also showed herself , she was the mom of a friend of mine back in HS. It was quite fun even though there were only 4 of us during the start, i realized, a class with less people kinda makes it "comfy" being kinda like family thing and all. Not like a separated faction thing, BSBA only had about 6 students in that college (yeah well..) but im cool. The professors were ok and werent that strict. For the first time i understood what the hell was my accounting professor was saying... lol, Anyway she was very lively and was accommodating and stuff. Made her stuff clear about the class and stuff. So im cool with it, i hope to pass it(the subject) this time around im gonna work my arse off lawl!

After accounting (it was 3hr subject) i went to the canteen to get something to eat, since like hell i havent eaten lunch at that time (3pm) grabbed a burger and french toast and headed to the library to do my assignment on Fili 101. I kinda bonded with the other guys in my block. The girls were friendly one of em was kinda cute actually, named Imee. haha no im not gonna be like some stalker loulz. Then we had our comp subject the prof was also quite "interesting" ha ha. We were with the AB Com block, they're like Multi media arts students in a sense.

In the end it was a "good" first day i guess. i felt so old lar , im like the only one who's 19 LOL all of them jailbait 16/15/17 ._. ah well. Dun mind age anyway, just work work and graduate.

Now im just writing the stuff on some yellow pad for my assignment lawl.


Other news (GE):

On sGE forum

- More Dramu has arrived in Bach CW thread! its worth of epic and shet , sadly i didnt read em lawl!

-AA thread by Nzi has been replied to and stopped tehdramu and keel'd teh thread

-Necro Guy emerges, siggie maker is epic necromancer aswell.

My Upload dump blog

-Uploaded a few shet in DL's and will upload a few more later

My Fam in Rambutt:

-Eryleen(my bernelli rnpc) reached 100 this morning =D

-Fighter at 94% expert level 6 ._.

-Watched Sengoku basara 9 , WTF Nooooooooo kenshin dies! D: *watches moar later lawl*

-Upload more in the upload dump later


Fuuuuuuuccc i wonder wht will happen tomorrow =o=

class only up to 10:30am :D and i got a raid GoL later, hope i can make it :3

Here's a random image as always, im currently into snipers +_+ , since my muskie rox hehe so in dedication to lime a sexy sniper picture.


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The Nub

My photo
Im Aidan, also known as Maki, Toyoman and Straightener [sGE] to most. Im a simple person, into gaming, music and all that weaboo shet. Enjoy reading my blog and downloading my uploads!


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Fail Counter: Feb 9 2010

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Grando Espada Info:
Family Name: Lunetia
Family Level: 49+3

Family Name: Teroh
Family Level: 31+3

Faction: Lunatique
Leader: Lunetia

Current Actives:
4 Families

Equip/Raid Roles:

- Main Tank
- sub/main-Phys Dps
- sub Magi Dps

- Sub-Tank
- Phys Dps

- Afker (Lololol)
- Phys Dps (melee)

-A Jack of All Trades
-Most low-end equipped person