After realizing that the family had no more feso for combat manuals and no reason to grind for masters. The family has started to start on project 100. So now you can see me in Island of Fire, in the Lvl 100 zone. Trying to farm for invisible potions and scaring the shit out of Royalist jack users :3... Else driving them away with lady brunie on a wildbeast pistol and assasin gloves + corsair rosso armor.

The family has promoted, Montmorency, Gazzete and Kaze to Veteran levels.
For the purposes of:
Emilia(Mont) - Getting ready for her when she becomes a FS-monster this upcomming patch..
Vincent(Gazzete) - Getting ready for his expert stance and prolly another support char for the family.
Ramiro(Kaze) - For fun, heh so i can plvl my Kiddie team x3
Those who reached 100's lately:
Al(Panfilo), Jarrell(Nar), Gazzete(Vincent), Kaze(Ramiro) and Cornholio(Andre)... Yea i know my andre has a retarded name... bite me >:O
New Weaponry:

So the family was tempted with the sight of an imba item being sold for cheaps. By cheap i mean a good price! Almond(yay special mention for joo l-lol) sold me his +6 31atk 7% stun 54human 3slot Ogre dagger for only 195m. Now, lets do some maths. An ogre weapon normally costs around 45m, with that stat i guess you can punch it up a bit to 50-60m (no + that is). A +5 vet imperv cost around 25-35m, lets say he got one for 30m. EB prices lately have just sky rocketed to 3m a piece, with that we can say it cost him around 3m x 24 = 72m. Socketing, i never really was lucky with this god forsaken system but i consulted people and they said an average is around 10tranqs per weapon for 3 slots, so lets say he used 10 socket tranqs thats about 100m already.
Add those up: 60m + 30m + 72m + 100m = 262m

Not much raids lately, bec. Oneechan had to pack up and stuff bec. she went back to her hometown in MY. Since we cant do a 2 man arsene we just let it pass and skip em. But earlier we were able to do our normal run of Scout-Fighter-Elem, it was quite nice. i was able to mob the whole room with 73dr lol.. yea. Nope thats not Jun's armor :> *evil laugh*
The family Gathered: 1 Vet Chip, 1 Level 100 Chip, 2 Arsene Tickets and 4 Blue ores from that run.
Sold: 63 Lvl 100 chips at 1mil each while vending (Got Around 59m). || 6 Veteran Chips in the market manager (got around 20m)
Bought: 1 Ogre Dagger at 195 D: || 1 Vet Scroll at 18m (i <3 joo harry, lol) || 800k Feso on 2 Vet scrolls
Acquired: 105 Invi potions from IOF, Chips werent recorded...
Im currently working on an F O E vid, will try my hard to make/finish it. Im also preparing for a new Vid that features a different lineup. Not my own lineup but its quite common and yet unorthodox in Colony war (yes), I'll test it out this next sunday. I hope mille wont go rage on me D: since they will probably hate it.. (ungh yea that's a hint already). But since i normally make a weekly Vid, i'll make a blooper video of Ash like snow Colony war when i get time (or after i 100 Bev [my auch infantry], Jasper [my jack] and Pastilas [diego #1] since im training all 3 of em at the same time)
Oh and a shoutout to Den, i just met him a few days ago when i joined my friends in mille in their lulz squad. He's a cool guy hurr and he ninja reads my blooog. So yea a shoutout for my reader and new friend :3 hur hur!
Hmm i guess that pretty much covers it all, will update you guys again next time!
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